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Traveling Experience Feedback

Thank you for visiting EVA Air‘s official website. We sincerely invite you to share your traveling experience with us. Though we may not reply to all of your feedback, please be assured that your valuable comments will be forwarded to the appropriate department(s) to help us to continually upgrade and improve our services. We sincerely appreciate your kind understanding.

If you have any inquiries such as reservation, ticketing, Infinity MileageLands, official website, baggage or airport service, please refer to the FAQ for quick reference, or you may also contact EVA service center or airport nearest to your location for follow-on assistance.

All your personal information will remain confidential.

  • For member of Infinity MileageLands, please log in your membership number and password. For other, please enter the information requested by the following comment page.
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Customer Feedback

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Mailing Address

EVA Airways
Service Management Department
376, Sec. 1, Hsin-Nan Rd., Luchu Dist.,
Taoyuan City, 33801, Taiwan